When is your debut novel being published, and what is it called?
My debut novel, Seat of Truth, will be published in Winter 2019. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter: I will announce the exact publication dates as they are confirmed.
Where does your story take place?
Seat of Truth takes place in the beautiful county of West Palm Beach, Florida, and in the Heavens. Yes, in Heaven, where God lives.
How do you know what the Heavens even look like to describe them?
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has ever conceived or imagined the things in this place. However, Seat of Truth is a work of fiction. Please understand that stories are written to reshape our realities, to bring the best and the worst out of us, so that we might understand in spite of our shortcomings, there is still greatness in all of us.
Will your debut be a series?
It is very much likely. I caution you though, that it depends on readers’ reactions, yours especially. So if you’d like it to be a series, please post a nice review on Amazon and spread the word.
Who is your favorite character?
I am especially fond of them all. However, Flannighans and Ms. Dylan win my heart. They are so worry-free, smart, and cool. They make such a great team.
Are the places in your book real?
All the locations in the Seat of Truth are real places, except those described in the Heavens, though. And there is a street called The Mask, too, which is not real.
Are any of your characters based on yourself?
Nice try! In all fairness, I share some characteristics with many of them, especially with Mitch and Edmund. Although I tried gamely to avoid showing my own perceptions in the whole thing, I found in these two characters what I never knew I was.
For instance, when I wrote the dialogue in chapter fourteen, I was in a very angry place. I went back to that passage later and rediscovered my attempt to take a swing at God. God swept me from my feet into His arms and sang me songs in a language that my mouth could not form and could not dream of speaking, but I understood. It was then I understood the extent and glimpsed how much He truly loves me. I was broken.
Will your book made into a movie?
LOL… (Sigh!) Praise Him! A lot depends on your receptions and reviews. But hey, why not? I’d love to see it adapted as a feature film. If you know James Cameron or Emma Stone, tell them to give me call.
How do you pick the names for your characters?
I don’t have a method, really. Dylan was originally supposed to be a boy, but became a girl in the middle of the night. I remember trying to find the best way to introduce her but for some reason it was difficult. One night the thought for a tomboy came to me, and I was like…. that’s it. I just woke up and wrote down that Dylan must be a girl, a tomboy. I fell in love with her the moment she opened her mouth. Flannighans is another story altogether. I used to go to a restaurant in Fort Lauderdale with a similar name. And just like that, Flannighans came to life. He couldn’t be called by any other name—that, my readers would agree.